Tuesday, March 11, 2014

This weather!

I honestly don't have much to say in this post, other than the weather has been so incredible the past few days. I forgot how much a little sunshine brightens my mood. I was able to meet with two great girlfriends and sit on a patio of my favorite restaurant, which made this tuesday that much greater.

Here is what I wore out for a night with friends.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Just get dressed

 So i took a little blogging hiatus because I literally didn't get dressed. ha! The last few weeks have been quite hectic, and because I work from home, my daily attire consists of a lot of sweat pants and Taylor Swift Band T-shirts. 
I even considered doing an outfit of the day in my pajamas just so that i'm keeping thing real for you guys.... but ill spare you :) 

I recently got these leopard booties from Zappos with some Christmas gift cards, and I've been busting them out as much as I can. I also got this jean jacket last summer, and have worn it once.
I think I'm making my inner 7th grader happy, because I'm pretty sure that's the last time i've worn a jean jacket! 

All in all, it feels good to be back in normal clothes and back in the blogging world :) 

Outfit Deeds: Pants: Nordstrom, Tank: Nordstrom, Jacket: Jcrew, Booties: Kate Spade